News for Active Health
Studies Show Effectiveness of Battlefield Acupuncture (BFA)
Battlefield Acupuncture (BFA) is a specialized acupuncture procedure designed for veterans experiencing chronic pain managed with prescription opioids
Whiplash Injury
83% of individuals involved in a motor vehicle accident suffer a whiplash injury? Worse, more than 50% of those injured report ongoing neck pain
Shoulder Pain Relief
A recent study found that 35% of those with shoulder tendon impingement had neck tightness. Finding the cause of pain is the key to fixing it
Pain Free Running
There are some simple things that you can (see attached) do to improve your running mechanics to stay injury and pain free.
Mind-body practices help with pain
A recent study found that people use many different coping strategies to deal with pain. One is to improve the health of your mind AND body.
Low Back Pain and Spinal Manipulation
A recent study found that both lower back pain & functional disability can be reduced with spinal manipulation performed here in our office!
Chiropractic Care Can Lower Cost of Pain Management
Insurance companies are starting to take notice that chiropractic care is a safe, effective, and low-cost treatment option
Knee Pain from Running?
A recent study found that a decrease in core stability impacts knee pain in runners. Check out the top 3 core stability exercises.
Probiotics to Boost Immunity
Research has shown its effectiveness against cancer, there is also considerable evidence to support the immune boosting properties of Reishi mushrooms.
Reishi Mushrooms to Boost Immunity
Reishi mushrooms produce chemicals that can have a multitude of benefits. This includes a beneficial boost to the immune system,
Elderberry to Boost Immunity
Elderberry has antiviral activity against influenza & herpes simplex. It contains antioxidants to help relieve colds, fight the flu, & boost immune system.
Echinacea to Boost Immunity
Echinacea, made extracts derived from roots, leave and & of the Coneflower. May help lessen flu symptoms & aid in prevention of viral infections.
Experiencing dizziness? ?
A problem in the neck can disrupt the communication to the brain, causing sensations of dizziness and loss of balance. This is called vertigo.
Exercise Reduces Low Back Pain
A recent study found that EXERCISE reduced low back pain by at least 20% and reduced physical limitations by 23%! We can help with low back pain.
How many steps do you take each day? ?
Although setting a goal is good, there is actually no scientific basis for the 10,000-step recommendation. Use this Activity Guideline to help.
What is a Cervicogenic Headache?
A recent systematic review identified some key characteristics of cervicogenic headache. Conservative care, like chiropractic can help.
Chiropractic Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
A recent study found that manual therapy– like chiropractic, is often as effective and certainly less expensive than surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome.
Obesity is a Factor in Children’s Disk Herniation
Chiropractic care is a safe and effective treatment for children and adults with disc injuries. Obesity is a factor in back injuries.