Diet and Weight Loss in the News
One of the most important factors in overall healthExercise Reduces Falling Risk For Older Adults
Workouts such as Yoga and Tai Chi focus on improving balance, coordination, mobility & flexibility may help reduce the risk of falls in older people.
Did you make resolutions for the New Year?
Take a look at our new diet infographic for more information about sustainable and healthy eating resolutions for the New Year.
Chronic Tendonitis Needs Movement Not Rest
New research indicate relief from chronic tendonitis may be movenment to increase blood flow, not rest as previously thought.
Foam Rolling for Iliotibial Band Pain Relief
Foam rolling is often prescribed for Iliotibial band pain relief (ITB). However, new research has found a couple of new moves. Watch video for help.
New Study Finds Soft Drinks Increase Disease Risk
Drinking more than 2 glasses of sugary or diet soft drinks per day increases your chance of dying from disease by 8%. Soft drinks increase disease risk.
Easy! Dark Chocolate Apple Recipe
What do you get...