News for Active Health
Conservative Care Helps Soldiers with Chronic Pain
Recent study found that US service members with chronic pain that were treated with conservative care had LESS alcohol, opioid drug use & self-harm behaviors
What Causes Jaw Pain ?
New study concluded that jaw pain is associated with: nail biting teeth grinding, mouth breathing. If you can’t stop, chiropractic care can help with pain.
Experiencing Knee Pain? It could be due to your glutes! ?
Strengthening the gluteal muscles with this exercise can help with knee pain .Stop just living with pain schedule an appointment today.
Healthy Screen Time: Studies Show Phone Use Affects Children’s Brains
A study of children found an association between increased screen time and changes in the parts of the brain. Limit use for healthy screen time.
?News flash: Pregnancy Can Cause An Increase In Low Back Pain!
Pregnancy causes low back pain. A recent study of pregnant women found that 76% experienced back pain. Here’s the good news: Chiropractic care can help!
Chiropractic Care for Colic ?Relief for Your Infant
Chiropractic care for colic. Studies reveal that spinal manipulation can provide relief. Call our office to schedule an appointment.
Pain In The Bottom Of Your Foot? It Could Be Plantar Fasciitis. ?
Pain In The Bottom Of Your Foot? It Could Be Plantar Fasciitis. Our clinic can help alleviate and prevent this type of pain.
Water Helps Heal Injuries
Stress and injury release toxins in the body. Water helps flush these out. Drink water to help heal injuries.
Exercise Reduces Falling Risk For Older Adults
Workouts such as Yoga and Tai Chi focus on improving balance, coordination, mobility & flexibility may help reduce the risk of falls in older people.
Did you make resolutions for the New Year?
Take a look at our new diet infographic for more information about sustainable and healthy eating resolutions for the New Year.
Tylenol May Not Be Effective for Lower Back Pain
A recent study on Acetaminophen (Tylenol) found that it is NOT effective for acute low back pain. Chiropractic care is an effective option.
Strength Training to Prevent Muscle Loss
Resistance training can help slow the process of muscle loss down. Read these training tips to help keep your body strong as you age.
A new study concluded that low back pain may be linked to HIP weakness…
Do you or someone you know suffer from low back pain? It could be due to your hips! Try this exercise and call our office for help.
Chronic back pain can be scary… ?
Conservative care, like what’s provided in our office at Active Health, can help reduce the fear associated with chronic back pain.
Breakthrough Treatment for Parkinson’s Disease on the Horizon
Breakthrough Treatment for Parkinson’s Disease. Early results in mice appear to show promise, increasing magnesium levels in the brain may slow decline.
Does Your Walking Speed Predict How Fast Your Body is Aging?
A new measure of the aging process found that slower walkers looked older & had smaller brains. You should make lifestyle changes to slow the process.
Stay Positive! You might just live longer… ?
A recent study found that “optimism was significantly associated with a decreased risk of cardiovascular events” and lower mortality.
Migraine Pain and Cardiovascular Exercise
Researchers have found that lower cardiovascular fitness INCREASES the risk of migraine headaches as a result, working out can help with migraines.