Chiropractic and Rehabilitation in the News
Spinal manipulation can help the body healAcupuncture Potentially Lowers Blood Pressure
As a component of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture has the potential to lower blood pressure in patients with hypertension.
Food Sensitivities Can Wreak Havoc with your Body
Food sensitivities may be responsible for a wide variety of symptoms, including: gas, fatigue, joint pain, headaches, depression, anxiety, chronic diseases, and even difficulty losing weight.
The Bathroom Door – A Huge Source of Bacteria
Bathroom doors spread more disease than flushing the toilet.
Low Back Pain & Brain Aging
A recent study concluded that chronic low back pain is associated with neurodegenerative changes in brain structure.
One Sport, More Possible Injuries
A recent study found that young athletes who specialize in a single sport are more likely to suffer an injury than those who participate in various sports.
Ways to Stay Active While Working From Home
When working from home, your lifestyle has changed because your work life has been suddenly combined with your home life. Here are some tips to help you stay active.