Pain Relief News
Experiencing dizziness? ?
A problem in the neck can disrupt the communication to the brain, causing sensations of dizziness and loss of balance. This is called vertigo.
Exercise Reduces Low Back Pain
A recent study found that EXERCISE reduced low back pain by at least 20% and reduced physical limitations by 23%! We can help with low back pain.
How many steps do you take each day? ?
Although setting a goal is good, there is actually no scientific basis for the 10,000-step recommendation. Use this Activity Guideline to help.
What is a Cervicogenic Headache?
A recent systematic review identified some key characteristics of cervicogenic headache. Conservative care, like chiropractic can help.
Chiropractic Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
A recent study found that manual therapy– like chiropractic, is often as effective and certainly less expensive than surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome.
Obesity is a Factor in Children’s Disk Herniation
Chiropractic care is a safe and effective treatment for children and adults with disc injuries. Obesity is a factor in back injuries.