by John Panopoulos | Jan 13, 2018 | Active Health News, Diet - Weight Loss, exercise, functional-medicine
Running Shoes Replacement Time is every 250 miles. There are three basic options: – Motion Control Shoes – Designed for people with low or no arches, these shoes are for runners who strike the ground on the outer edge of their foot. Avoid overly stiff shoes as...
by Dr. Betty Stasinos | Jan 13, 2018 | Active Health News, diet, functional-medicine
Healthy Lifestyles (Monounsaturated fatty acids) Don’t be afraid to eat fats. Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) actually help you lose weight, not gain it. Researchers found that women who switched to a 1,600-calorie diet high in MUFAs lost a third of their belly...
by John Panopoulos | Jan 13, 2018 | Active Health News, diet, exercise
Hormones – Testosterone is the reason men have a higher metabolism and burn fat faster. They also have more lean, fat-burning muscle which burns calories faster. All in all, they burn calories 5 – 10% faster than women. However, as men age, they begin to...
by Dr. Betty Stasinos | Jan 3, 2018 | Active Health News, diet, exercise
How Much Exercise Do You REALLY Need to Lose Weight? You may want to reconsider your weight loss plan after we reveal the results of several studies. Evidence now suggests that both exercise and caloric restriction are necessary components of a successful weight loss...
by Dr. Betty Stasinos | Jul 10, 2017 | Active Health News, diet
In Part 1 we talked about what most of us think about when we hear the word “carbs”—that is, primarily sugars and starches. Stuff like bread and potatoes, maple syrup and pure sugar. We looked at how the body breaks down and uses these kinds of carbs, and why we need...
by Website Administrator | Jul 8, 2017 | Active Health News, diet
Skip the BBQ, get healthier protein from these sources: Land animal sources of protein should be limited in your diet. Fish, especially the cold water fish; salmon, mackerel, tuna or herring, is a good replacement. As an added benefit, these fish contain a chemical...