Pain Relief News
Stressed? Try Visualization!
Stressed? Try Visualization! Visualization is a form of meditation that focuses on a specific image and has been proven to reduce stress and promote relaxation and calmness.
Let’s Get Moving
Let’s Get Moving! Did you know that not being active can worsen the quality of life, physical function, bodily pain, and social function? That’s why it is important to stay active!
Experiencing Shoulder Pain?
Experiencing Shoulder Pain? Pain at the front of the shoulder that limits the ability to raise your arm overhead. This exercise can help.
Excessive Phone Use Increases Cervical Arthritis
Excessive Phone Use Increases Cervical Arthritis. Check out this printable graphic for healthy cell phone use.
Exercise or Injections for Knee Osteoarthritis?
Exercise or Injections for Knee Osteoarthritis? A recent study compared patients with osteoarthritis of the knee who underwent conservative therapy versus those who received a cortisone injection.
Lifting At Work?
A recent study of laborers found that those that carried loads on their heads had accelerated degenerative changes in their cervical spine. This can lead to long-term pain & discomfort.