News for Active Health
Iliotibial Band Syndrome (IT Band)
Your iliotibial band is a fibrous band of tissue running from the crest of your hip, down to your knee. When the band is too tight, it can become painfully inflamed. IT Band Sydrome.
Workout Anytime (You Don’t Need a Gym!)
Lose Weight Faster by Eating Healthy Fat. Don’t be afraid to eat fats. Add Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) of nuts, olive oil, and avocado into your diet.
Active Daily Living Advice – Running Shoes Replacement Time
Running shoes need to be replaced every 250 miles. Avoid overly stiff shoes as these decrease your perception of ground strike and lead to new injuries.
Lose Weight Faster by Eating Healthy Fat
Lose Weight Faster by Eating Healthy Fat. Don’t be afraid to eat fats. Add Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) of nuts, olive oil, and avocado into your diet.
Chiropractors Help Fight Opioid Crisis
Check out this American Chiropractic Association infographic showing how chiropractors can help fight the opioid crisis.
ITB Foam Roller to Relieve Tight IT Band
If you have a tight IT band, this is a great exercise to perform using a foam roller. Video instruction on using a foam roller to relieve tight IT Band.
Chiropractic Care Saves on Medicare Expenditures
Researchers estimate chiropractic care may reduce the number of patient visits to medical physicians for back and/or neck pain saving billions in Medicare expenditures.
Why Do Men Lose Weight Faster Than Women?
Men can lose weight fast, compared to women. Men are more successful at dieting because of hormones and their weight loss is more noticeable.
How Much Exercise Do You REALLY Need to Lose Weight?
Because 3,500 calories equal about 1 pound of fat, you need to burn 3,500 calories more than you take in to lose 1 pound. That’s about a 35 mile run.
Repetitive Strain Injuries
Chiropractic can be an effective treatment to help eliminate the pain and restore normal movement in patients with Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI)
Vitamin D3 is better Than Vitamin D2
If you want to get chiropractic care for kids, we can point out specific areas in which they will benefit during stages of development.
Chiropractic Care for Kids
If you want to get chiropractic care for kids, we can point out specific areas in which they will benefit during stages of development.
Exercise of the Month – (Pike on a Ball)
This ball exercise...
Pregnancy-Related Lower Back Pain
Low back pain is a common complaint among pregnant women. Drug free pain relief is available. Here’s how to start.
Study Shows Foods Contaminated With Pesticides Lower the Outcome of Infertility Treatments
A new study concludes that pesticide contaminated food may play a big role in fertility and chance that once conceived, a baby will be carried to full term.
Condition of the Month – (Thoracic Joint Restriction)
A “thoracic joint restriction” means that this misalignment or restriction is located in your upper or mid-back region.
Exercise of the Month – (Thoracic Rotation)
An easy exercise for your upper and mid-back. No equipment required! Thoracic Rotation, video how to do the exercise.
Holiday Season Wellness Hacks