Functional Medicine in the News
Treating the cause of the illness, not just the symptomsWays to Stay Active While Working From Home
When working from home, your lifestyle has changed because your work life has been suddenly combined with your home life. Here are some tips to help you stay active.
Balance Mental & Physical Health
Your physical and mental health are very closely linked. They work together, so make sure they are both getting the attention they need.
Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy
Pregnancy can cause significant pain, especially in the pelvis and lower back. Fortunately, regular visits to a chiropractor can help.
Mental health & Our Well Being
Mental health includes our emotional, psychological and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel and act.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by pressure on the median nerve. The median nerve runs from your forearm through a passageway in your wrist (carpal tunnel) to your hand.
Thyroid Gland Regulates Hormones
The thyroid, located at the base of the neck, is a small endocrine gland that regulates specific types of hormones. When the thyroid is its normal size, you can’t feel it.