Exercise News
Exercise of the Month – (Internal Shoulder Rotation – Towel)
Healthy Lifestyles: Don’t Get Thirsty!
The majority of Americans are dehydrated on a daily basis. It’s recommended we get 8 glasses of water a day, which proves to be a challenge for those who regularly consume other drinks, such as coffee, juice, and alcoholic beverages.
Exercise of the Month – (Semi-Stiff Dead Lift)
“Cotton is Rotten” Dress Appropriately for Your Workout
Iliotibial Band Syndrome (IT Band)
Your iliotibial band is a fibrous band of tissue running from the crest of your hip, down to your knee. When the band is too tight, it can become painfully inflamed. IT Band Sydrome.
Workout Anytime (You Don’t Need a Gym!)
Lose Weight Faster by Eating Healthy Fat. Don’t be afraid to eat fats. Add Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) of nuts, olive oil, and avocado into your diet.