Diet and Weight Loss in the News
One of the most important factors in overall healthHelp for the Sluggish Thyroid Gland
The team at Active Health takes a holistic approach to naturally support thyroid issues (sluggish thyroid gland) by combining nutrition, supplements, homeopathy & acupuncture
Easy Steps to “Winterize” Your Body
Holiday goodies...
Lose the Muffin Top! Practice Mindful Eating Habits
Take a disciplined approach to your day can help keep your snacking and meal routine on schedule and your diet goals on target to lose your muffin top.
Low Fat vs Low Carb Diet Debate — Low Carb wins by a landslide.
Study results for weight loss and overall health were overwhelming. The low carbohydrate diet group lost on average 43% more weight than the low fat group
Obesity Will Surpass Smoking as Biggest CV Risk Factor
Researchers predict within a year, obesity will overtake smoking as the number-one modifiable cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factor.
Artificial Sweeteners May Actually Make You Gain Weight
While people often...