Acupuncture in the News
Ancient healing art is helpful in pain and stress relief among other benefitsThe 5 Indications of Metabolic Syndrome
The term “metabolic syndrome” or insulin resistance simply describes a group of symptoms that put you at risk for heart disease, diabetes and other health problems
Acupuncture Help Before, During & After Pregnancy
The philosophy of Chinese Medicine is to not force childbirth to happen before the woman’s body and/or the baby is ready, but based on encouraging labor to happen naturally by promoting the energy flow within the mother’s body and especially in the uterus.
Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome – Is It a Real Condition?
Still in the...
Spring Chiropractic Check-Up
Spring is coming!...
A Chiropractic Look at Spinal Degeneration
Spinal Degeneration (arthritic changes, bone spurs, etc.) is exceptionally common, affecting
people as young as 20 and becoming extremely likely by age 70. Chiropractic care can help.
Spinal Manipulation Yields Great Results for Short-Term Improvement
How does spinal...