When you’re required to stand for long periods of time, consider wearing shock absorbent shoes or using an anti fatigue mat to stand on. Use of a footrest while standing can help relieve pressure on your back as well.
Shock Absorbent Shoes
It’s important to have shoes with adequate shock-absorbing capabilities. It’s important to get a high quality shoe, and replace them about every 6 months. If you’re in the market for a new pair of shock-absorbing footwear, sports and outdoor experts have identified several specific shoe models that excel at cushioning your feet and joints.
Anti-Fatigue Mats
Research shows, Anti-Fatigue Mats lead to fewer injuries and increased productivity. Anti-fatigue comfort mats help ease leg, foot, and lower back fatigue and pain. If your employer doesn’t provide them, you may want to point out that OSHA has guidelines for their use in many industries, including medical, grocery stores, restaurants, food service, printing and other industries.
The use of a footrest reduces intravertebral disc stress by preventing lordosis (swayback). Lordosis is when the spine curves too far inward. It can cause pain that sometimes affects the ability to move. It is usually found in the lower back, In a study cited by Rys and Konz (1994), subjects were allowed to stand with no footrest or stand and use one of three different footrests: a flat platform, 15-degree angled platform, or a 50 mm bar. They used the footrest options significantly more than standing without a footrest. They used the bar significantly less than the other two footrest options. The bar was used 59 percent of the time, and the other two platforms were used approximately 80 percent of the time. Subjects switched their foot from the floor to one of the footrests once every 90 seconds
More information here: https://ohsonline.com/Articles/2003/04/Improved-Ergonomics-for-Standing-Work.aspx