Pain Relief News
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day… or is it? ?
We simply do not have enough evidence to support or reject the idea as to whether breakfast impacts body weight, but evidence is pointing to support it.
Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation is the Most Recommended Complementary Health Care
A recent study showed that chiropractic spinal manipulation is the most recommended complementary health care approach among primary care physicians.
Insights Into Back Pain
A recent study of nurses found that patients who were fearful to move due to their pain had a higher association with chronic low back pain.
Is your shoulder pain actually a rotator cuff injury?
Are you experiencing shoulder pain? It could be coming from your rotator cuff. Try this exercise out to help recover from a rotator cuff injury.
A new study found that people who run and cycle have less low back pain! ?
Study shows cycling helps ease low back pain. If you decide to try out cycling to here are some tips to keep injury free.
6 Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Sleep
Here are six ways that you could unintentionally sabotage your sleep – and tips to eliminate each problem, most issues can be solved by changing your habits