Pain Relief News
Lumbar Discs In Young Patients ?
Researchers have found that early-onset lumbar disc problems may be present in up to 58% of young back pain patients. Watch this video for important information.
Stop Popping Your Own Back! Don’t self-adjust a sore back
Resist the temptation to pop your own back, or have a friend help you. Self-application of a crude generalized force to an entire region of the spine rarely frees the restricted culprit, but rather further loosens an already mobile segment.
Joint Mobilization Leads To Improved Muscle Function And Strength ?
A study found that joint mobilization has an immediate effect on muscle function & strength, top athletes use chiropractors to help
Migraines? Are You Drinking Enough Water? ?
A recent study on rotator cuff problems found that surgery may provide little to no clinically important benefits.
Thinking About Rotator Cuff Surgery?
A recent study on rotator cuff problems found that surgery may provide little to no clinically important benefits.
Keep Joints Healthy with These 7 Tips
To protect your joints & minimize conditions like arthritis, here are seven things that you can do today – Prevention is key!