Pain Relief News
Conservative Care Helps Soldiers with Chronic Pain
Soldiers with chronic pain: Conservative care can help without with conservative care had LESS alcohol and drug use, LESS opioid and narcotics use, and LESS self-harm behaviors.
Experiencing Knee Pain? It Could Be Due To Your Glutes! ?
Experiencing Knee Pain? It Could Be Due To Your Glutes! Try this simple exercise to help relieve knee pain by strengthening your gluteus muscles (butt).
Migraine Triggers… ?
A new study has found that approximately one in ten migraine sufferers will miss work each month due to headaches. Check out this extensive list of Migraine Triggers to help avoid them.
Spinal Manipulation for Headache Relief
Spinal Manipulation for Headache Relief. Your chiropractor can effectively help relieve head and neck pain. Non-surgical, no medication headache pain relief
Rethinking Chronic Pain
Learn how you might retrain your brain to minimize chronic pain, you must reprogram how your mind thinks about everyday activities and movements.
Prevent Winter Injuries
The colder months of winter have begun, which brings a new set of challenges to prevent winter inhjuries, so you can enjoy the season safely and in good health!