Pain Relief News
Spinal Manipulation for Tennis Elbow
A recent study found that mobilizing the mid-back had an immediate positive effect in patients with tennis elbow. Take a look at this video for movement options that will help. #tenniselbow #spinalmanipulation #conservativecare
Waking Up Sore?
If you wake up sore ou might want to consider adjusting your sleeping patterns. Your mattress, pillow, and sleeping posture are all things that can affect how you sleep.
Have You Been Lifting? And We’re Not Just Talking About Weights!
Have You Been Lifting? And We’re Not Just Talking About Weights! Whether you are doing some spring cleaning, yard work, or lifting kids, make sure you are protecting your back by lifting correctly
Muscle Pain From Gardening
Be sure to treat your outdoor hobby like a workout – warming up beforehand and taking time to cool down afterward. #gardening #posture #musclepain
Don’t Let Your Cell Phone Cause You Neck Pain
Improper cell phone use can lead to neck strain! Luckily, some exercises can help. ? Cervical Retraction is one exercise that we often prescribe in our clinic.
7 Stress-Busting Techniques ✌️
Try these 7 skills for relaxation: Progressive muscular relaxation, Deep breathing, Meditation, Yoga, Tai Chi, Hydrotherapy, Bio-feedback. Your body deserves a chance to relax! Check out our infographic for more tips on how you can apply these skills!