- Hormones – Testosterone is the reason men have a higher metabolism and burn fat faster. They also have more lean, fat-burning muscle which burns calories faster. All in all, they burn calories 5 – 10% faster than women. However, as men age, they begin to lose this fat busting hormone. A healthy diet and exercise plan designed to increase muscle mass will offset this decline. Note that women also have this hormone, but in lower levels and it also decreases as they age.
- Hormones – Estrogen is in abundance in women during child-bearing years as the body tries to prep itself to nurture a baby. Women start with a higher level of body fat to begin with, as much as 10% higher. Puberty often means the beginning of a lifelong weight loss battle. Women need to be much more careful to counteract the body’s natural tendencies with a low carb/high protein diet combined with a moderate exercise plan.
- Emotional/Stress Eating – Research reveals that women are more prone to making bad food choices when they are feeling down, or stressed. Although their brain tells them to choose better, their bodies crave the comfort of high carb foods. Although women are not the only ones affected by emotional eating, they are more likely to use food as an outlet. Men tend to turn to alcohol.
- Faster Response Time – In the first few weeks, men lose up to 2 times more weight than women on the same diet. Although over time, the weight loss tends to even out. Regardless of gender, it takes 3,500 burned calories per pound of weight loss. That’s why we recommend a healthy diet in addition to exercise.
- They Just Look Like They Lost More – Women tend to carry their weight in their lower body. Men carry most of their in their midsection. It’s called fat distribution. Because your eye is drawn more to one’s middle, It’s more noticeable when men lose weight fast. A smaller beer belly is more noticeable than when a woman loses a few pounds around their hips and thighs.
Why not let the practitioners at Active Health carefully design a diet and nutrition plan fit for you, your food preferences and your schedule. We have very easy to follow diet plans to help you learn how to eat well, and live well. Lose weight and keep it off. Sign up today for our Free Weight Loss Seminar and see for yourself. Take that first step today!