Conditional Help
- Reduce Stress and Anxiety
- Increase Blood Flow to Reproductive Organs
- Increase IVF Effectiveness

Support for Underlying Issues
- Under-Functioning Glands
- Over-Functioning Glands
- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
- Spasmed (but not blocked) Tubes

Safe and Effective
- Painless & Non-Invasive
- Does Not Interfere with Fertility Drugs
- Can Help with Nausea, Aches & Pains
5 Reasons Why Acupuncture Can Be Helpful in Reversing Infertility
Acupuncture has been part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for thousands of years. Over the past two decades this alternative treatment has gained more acceptance in Western medicine due to its effectiveness and minimal side effects. Acupuncture is the insertion of ultra-thin, sterile needles into specific acupuncture points on the body which reside on channels or meridians; these are pathways in both the exterior and interior of the body. These points, when needled, can help regulate the way in which the body functions.

Studies have shown that acupuncture can be helpful in reversing infertility for multiple reasons.
- Help support problems that affect fertility such as under-functioning glands including the thyroid (hypothyroidism), ovaries, adrenals or over-functioning thyroid (hyperthyroidism).
- Effective in reducing stress
- Helps increase blood flow to the uterus and relaxes the muscle tissue
- Helps improve ovulation for women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
- Increase pregnancy rate when used with IVF treatment
Acupuncture is something to consider when dealing with the frustration of infertility. Since acupuncture helps with stress reduction, treatments can release the anxiety experienced when trying to become pregnant. Also, treatments have been shown to relax the muscle of the uterus and increase blood flow thus allowing the better attachment of the embryo to the uterine lining.
Women with polycystic ovarian syndrome often do not ovulate due to higher levels of testosterone. Acupuncture has shown to help this type of infertility by decreasing the amount of testosterone and facilitate the return menstruation and ovulation. Some couples may choose IVF treatments to become pregnant and often acupuncture can be used in conjunction to help with a positive outcome.
Acupuncture is a safe, effective therapy that can be useful tool that many couples are using to overcome their infertility problems. If you are interested in more information please contact our office for a consultation.
Still have questions? Call us to schedule your consultation.
Types of Infertility Issues Helped by Acupuncture
- Spasmed (but not blocked tubes)
- Combined with herbal medicine, helps elevated follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
- Repeated pregnancy loss
- Unexplained (idiopathic) infertility
- Luteal Phase defect
- Hyperprolactinemia (when not caused by a prolactinoma)
- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) with annovulatory cycles
- Men affected with sperm-DNA-fragmentation.
Acupuncture and Fertility: The Facts
Can Acupuncture Be Used To Help Treat Infertility?
When Should Acupuncture Treatment Begin?
When Should I Stop?
Are The Acupuncture Points Different After An Insemination, IVF, Or Donor-Egg Transfer Than Before?
Yes, the body’s needs change after insemination. A licensed practitioner will choose the appropriate acupuncture points based on timing and each patient’s individual needs.
What Are The Risks?
Is Acupuncture A Licensed Profession?
What to expect during first visit:
What type(s) of treatment should I expect?

A medical practice originating in China that involved inserting the tips of needles in strategic sites on the body. It is thought to stimulate nerve impulses and has been in use for over 5,000 years. Currently considered an effective alternative treatment for certain kinds of pain. Recent studies suggest acupuncture can effectively treat a host of diseases.

Chiropractic Medicine
A system for treating disorders of the body, especially those of the bones, muscles, and joints, by manipulating the vertebrae of the spine and related structures. Chiropractic therapy utilizes the recuperative powers of the body and the relationship between the musculoskeletal structures and the functions of the body, particularly of the spinal column and the nervous system to restore and maintain health. This technique was developed in 1899.

Holistic Medicine
An approach to medicine that emphasizes treating the person as a whole, with special attention to the interconnections of the mind and body and of the systems within the body. Holistic medicine stresses the patient’s role in health care through such means as positive attitudes, sound diet, and regular exercise.