Coronavirus Office Availability at Active Health
We will remain available to one-on-one doctor/patient pain related care and urgent care patients by appointment only. In order to prevent exposure to other patients and staff we ask that you adhere to your appointment time. Additionally, please notify our staff prior to your appointment if you are experiencing any flu like symptoms including fever, nausea, cough, shortness of breath, or chest congestion. Please contact us if you have had any known exposure to any COVID-19 infected individuals or if a family member you live with has had contact with someone infected. We ask that if you have travelled by airplane in the last two weeks, you self quarantine for 14 days prior to reaching out for an appointment. We will continue these services as needed by the patients and public for as long as we are allowed during this temporary closure.
Weight Loss and Functional Medicine Patients
We are not performing in person office visits for our weight loss and functional medicine patients until further notice. Instead, we will be performing Telehealth follow ups on an as needed basis For our weight loss and functional medicine patients we will make available any needed supplies at pre-arranged times. In order to limit contact with other patients and staff we ask that you adhere to your pre-arranged pickup time windows.
Acupuncture and Fertility Patients
We will only be seeing fertility patients if your fertility specialist has scheduled a fertility procedure in the next 30 days and protocol requires acupuncture treatment. All other acupuncture treatments will be postponed based on your specific condition. Please contact our staff via phone or email to discuss your condition with one of the doctors if you have any questions.
Telehealth Services
We will remain available to all of our patients for Telehealth services. Many insurance plans have expanded their Telehealth coverage in order to accommodate patients during the shelter in place order. The goal of telemedicine encounters in our clinical setting is to maximize your ability to manage pain and injury at home through self-care strategies that I can help you develop. Please call the office at (847) 739 3120 if you have questions about the types of services we can provide in this format.
We want to make certain that our patients have access to medical care during this period. We are available for phone calls for non life threatening emergencies at (847)739 3120. We will do our best to triage your issue by phone and make the best recommendation for your care, based on your symptoms and conditions and the status of the Coronavirus pandemic. If you feel that your condition is a life-threatening emergency, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room
Of course, should you have an immediate need for medical records during this period, we will make every effort to comply as quickly as we can.
We remain committed to serving our patient community as safely as possible during this challenging time. In the meantime, we wish you and your loved ones’ good health as we join to fight the pandemic together.
Thank you,
Active Health Ltd
Dr John Panopoulos, DC
Dr Betty Stasinos, DC