Acupuncture Therapy at Active Health

Pain Relief
- Headaches and Migraines
- Low back pain
- Neck pain
- Tennis Elbow
- Plantar fasciitis
- Bursitis
- Sprains & Contusions
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Chronic Conditions
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Asthma COPD
- Gastritis, Ulcers
- Crohn’s Disease
- Colitis
- Allergies

Fertility/Women’s Health
- Infertility
- Menstrual Cramp Relief
- Labor Pain Reduction
- Menopause Symptoms
- Dysmenorrhea, pelvic pain

When to Consider Using Acupuncture
- Your condition is temporary or sporadic, and can not be alleviated by over the counter medications.
- You have medical issues and cannot take certain medications.
- You have allergies or intolerance to prescribed treatment.
- Your disease or chronic illness worsens with stress, Acupuncture may be prescribed as part of a stress reduction regimen.
- You are having trouble conceiving.
What to Expect During Acupuncture Therapy
- Acupuncture is often effective as a stand-alone therapy but may be combined with other treatment options to achieve a more effective result.
- A typical treatment involves the insertion of up to 20 needles as you relax, feeling little to no discomfort.
- As the needle begins to stimulate the meridian you may feel a mild aching sensation near the acupuncture point.
- The needles are removed after about 20 minutes and you will feel relaxed and refreshed.

A medical practice originating in China that involved inserting the tips of needles in strategic sites on the body. It is thought to stimulate nerve impulses and has been in use for over 5,000 years. Currently considered an effective alternative treatment for certain kinds of pain. Recent studies suggest acupuncture can effectively treat a host of diseases.

Chiropractic Medicine
A system for treating disorders of the body, especially those of the bones, muscles, and joints, by manipulating the vertebrae of the spine and related structures. Chiropractic therapy utilizes the recuperative powers of the body and the relationship between the musculoskeletal structures and the functions of the body, particularly of the spinal column and the nervous system to restore and maintain health. This technique was developed in 1899.

Holistic Medicine
An approach to medicine that emphasizes treating the person as a whole, with special attention to the interconnections of the mind and body and of the systems within the body. Holistic medicine stresses the patient’s role in health care through such means as positive attitudes, sound diet, and regular exercise.