Acupuncture has been part of Chinese medicine for thousands of years. The past two decades this alternative treatment has gained more acceptance in Western medicine. Studies have shown that acupuncture can be helpful in reversing infertility for multiple reasons.

•                Effective in reducing stress

•                Helps increase blood flow to the uterus and relaxes the muscle tissue

•                Improvement in ovulation for women with PCOS

•                Increase pregnancy rate when used with IVF treatment

•                Research shows that acupuncture can improve the quality and health of sperm

Acupuncture is something to consider when dealing with the frustration of infertility. Since acupuncture helps with stress reduction, treatments can release the anxiety experienced when trying to become pregnant. Also treatments have been shown to relax the muscle of the uterus and increase blood flow thus allowing the better attachment of the embryo to the uterine lining.

Women with polycystic ovarian syndrome often do not ovulate due to higher levels of testosterone. Acupuncture has shown to help this type of infertility by decreasing the amount of testosterone that can return menstruation and ovulation. Some couples may choose IVF treatments to become pregnant and often acupuncture can be used in conjunction to help with a positive outcome.

Even male infertility has been helped by acupuncture treatments. Regular treatments significantly improve sperm counts and motility, in a study published åin Fertility and Sterility in 2005, researchers analyzed sperm samples from men with infertility. Their findings showed acupuncture was associated with fewer structural defects in sperm and the number of normal sperm was increased.

Acupuncture is a safe, effective therapy that can be useful tool; that many couples are using to overcome their infertility problems. If you are interested in more information please contact our office for a consultation.

Sources: Acupuncture for ovulation induction in polycystic ovary syndrome: a randomized controlled trial.