Try These Natural Sleep Remedies for a Good Night Sleep!

A good night’s sleep is important in your overall wellness plan. Losing just one night’s worth of sleep can effectively “undo” your exercise and diet efforts for the week.

  1. Tart cherry juice – New research presented at the Experimental Biology 2014 meeting finds drinking tart cherry juice twice a day can help you sleep nearly 90 more minutes a night. Montmorency cherries are high in Proanthocyanidins, which contain an enzyme that reduces inflammation and decreases the breakdown of tryptophan, letting it go to work longer in your body. As a bonus – the inflammation reducing benefits also help reduce arthritis pain.
  2. Kiwifruit – Numerous studies have revealed that kiwifruit contains many medicinally useful compounds, among which antioxidants and serotonin may be beneficial in the treatment of the sleep disorders.
  3. Bananas – are rich in both potassium and Vitamin B6. Combined, these nutrients are very effective in promoting a good night sleep and keeping you healthy overall. Eating a banana before bed will help you achieve a better night sleep.
  4. Yogurt – bowl of yogurt in the evening will give you a boost of calcium which will help you get better quality shut-eye.
  5. Almonds – contain magnesium, which promotes both sleep and muscle relaxation.” A handful of these before bed will put you right to sleep.

Perhaps a sleep inducing smoothie treat could be just the right prescription for a drug-free, old-fashioned, good night’s sleep.

Nighty-Night Smoothie

1 oz. Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate

1/2 Cup vanilla yogurt

½ Ripe banana

1 Ripe kiwifruits (skin and all for fiber!)

1/2 Cup almond or unsweetened coconut milk

Blend all ingredients with a little ice. Drink right before bedtime.